速報APP / 圖書與參考資源 / How To Impress A Girl

How To Impress A Girl





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本



How To Impress A Girl(圖1)-速報App

Sometimes it’s the smallest gestures that make the greatest impressions, but there are also those small tokens that can doom your chances too. When meeting someone new, you’ll want to put your best foot forward. Whether you’re trying to determine how to impress a girl on a first date, how to win her back or how to rekindle a romance, having a few tips up your sleeve will certainly work in your favor.

The app contains tips on:

How To Impress A Girl(圖2)-速報App

How to talk to girls,

how to get a girl to like you,

How To Impress A Girl(圖3)-速報App

how to make a girl like you,

how to impress a girl,

How To Impress A Girl(圖4)-速報App

how to ask a girl out

How To Impress A Girl(圖5)-速報App

and a few more tips...